Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's An Epidemic!

This affects millions of children...very sad.

(Remember to pause the music at the bottom of the page so you can hear the video)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Quite A Day

It started with restless sleep, knowing I had to awaken at 4:00am. Every thirty to forty-five minutes I would wake up and check the clock thinking I had overslept. "Just get up," I say; how could twenty extra minutes help the sleepy drag I will feel all day? I look over at my husband with annoyance knowing he will enjoy at least four more hours.
I hate this; why do I have to work at all? It seems like everyone else around me has the house, the cars, the new clothes, the private school, the vacations, and the obvious, fancy salon pampering. They make it look so easy. This must be the norm, and I am missing out. I should get all that without having to do anything for it. For some reason I'm entitled and I'm not seeming to live the carefree life others must be living.
I go downstairs, start the coffee, then look at the scale, like I do every morning, contemplating the dreaded task of staring at that annoying number which is never what I wish it would be. I remember the previous night's large piece of cheesecake with strawberries on top and decide to skip the whole scale thing for today. Why can't I just be naturally skinny after having three babies like these other mutant mothers are?
It's early. It's quiet. I have some time. Do I head for my Bible with cup of Joe in hand? No, I decide on the news. I've got to hear more of the repetitive election mombo jombo. Shoot! The TV is temporarily out of order; irritation sets in. So me and my morning friend, Joe, head to the computer. Headline: Las Vegas facing highest foreclosure rates in the nation. Great! How much worse can it get before we see some equity in this so-called investment? Weather: High Today-97 degrees. Are you kidding me? It's almost October; I'm so sick of being hot. I hate this place! Time to quickly visit some commonly frequented blogs. Out of nowhere, I'm bombarded with mean-spirited, cowardly ramblings which brought offense and vengeful feelings due to knowing that this calculated coldness was intended for loved ones. Why does misery love company so much that it would drag the World Wide Web along with it?
What a way to start the day! Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts; it's not working. Okay, now I don't have enough time to get ready. I wondered why I even turned on that stupid computer in the first place? I was running late, and the 80 mph race to Centennial High School was, a couple of times, death defying. I really don't like today's teens, so why did I take another high school sub job? To top it all off, it was Special Education. This is a huge hassle, and I'm only doing this as a favor for an old UNLV professor. I just want this day to be over!
Fast-forward six hours, and I'm sitting in my car where it is finally quiet, and as I reflect, I almost start to cry. I feel nothing but humility. God once again smacked me hard in the face with reality. My perspective has been so out of whack. This day started with questions like, "Why don't I have this?" "Why do I have to do that?" "Why can't I look like this?" "Why are they doing this to me?"
Being completely humbled by the students I encountered today, I have some new questions. "Father, why have you blessed me so much?" "Why are my children so healthy?" "Why do I get to enjoy every luxury and comfort when You promised to give me what I need?"
Thank you, Lord for every blessing and every mercy you've shown me. It is all from You.
This day ended with the reminder that life is so good.

I will thank you, Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.Psalm 9:1-2

Worth Looking Up To

I like this lady a lot. Maybe we can be vice-president when we grow up.

And yes, I did have too much time on my hands yesterday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poor Girl

I stumbled upon this video today, and although I've seen it several times, it never fails to amaze me. I just want to give this girl a big hug when she is finished answering her question. In case you haven't seen tis.
(Go to the bottom of the page and pause my music so you can hear the video)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Christian's 7th Birthday

Christian had the usual week long birthday celebration this year. He started with a birthday dinner at The Rainforest Cafe. We were so happy that Aunt Debbie, Uncle Kent, Zac, Jamie, Auntie M.L., Grammy, Aunt Bethany, Uncle Lex, Tori, Luke, and Jackson were able to join us for dinner as an elephant attacked the guests at the table next to us every 10 minutes. Christian also shared a park birthday party with his cousin, Jackson who was turning 2. He received many fun presents and he had a wonderful birthday week. Oh, I forgot to mention the Krispy Kreme donuts and hats that were delivered to his class on his birthday. The poor kid had an aweful birthday! I can't believe he's already 7. Christian is my thinker, and he amazes me daily with his, beyond his years, intuition and discernment. I'm so blessed to have such an awesome kid.

Next Major May Event

Well, we finally did it. We bought our first home. Though living at mom's house was a false sense of reality, it was a rather nice false sense of reality. It was time to put on our big girl and big boy pants and start living the "American Dream." We love our home, and we love the price we paid. We really like the schools and the area (as soon as all the road construction is complete). For those who have not experienced our humble abode, it is very tall, three stories to be exact. When I was little I would have thought, "Wow! three stories; it must be a mansion!" Now, we all know this is just typical Las Vegas living....skimping on land. You would think with all these stairs I would be in better shape! We have a cute little backyard with grass we can vacuum. We're desert folk! Of course, the best part is living on Roping Cowboy Ave. right next to Leaping Lizard Lane. Who thought of these names?? We are very thankful for this house and for John's job which keeps the mortgage paid.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Darndest Things Happen at Wal-Mart

Baby or Burrito funny picture

I hate it when that happens!

Early Birthday Date Night

My husband was listening when I told him how much I wanted to see "The Phantom of the Opera" every time we drove past the Venetian Hotel. Last night he took me as an early birthday present. Before going, I almost felt ignorant at the fact that I didn't even know the story line behind the very popular production. The stage and sets were amazing, and it definitely lived up to my expectations. The singing and orchestra were excellent, but in the end, both John and I agreed that no matter how many bells and whistles you put on it, opera is still opera. (Yawn!) I guess I'm not that cultured after all. I found the most entertaining part of it all was at the beginning when the chandeliers started flying around the theatre; any kid would probably agree with me. At least now, I can say I know what it's all about. Thank you sweet spouse.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

They Didn't Even Play "Pomp and Circumstance"!

Major Events in May

Oh sweet UNLV.....we've spent so much time together. It took me nine, long, never ending years at that institution. I walked hand-in-hand with my boy-toy (we'll call him John D. to protect identity) through the campus back in 2000. In 2001 and 2004 I waddled from class to class while being given that, I know what you've been up to look by fellow classmates and several professors. In 2006, when I was once again doing some major waddling, I was wise enough not to enroll in classes that would eventually be dropped due to exhaustion. Every Spring I was in school I suffered from the most ridiculous allergies because of some evil olive trees blooming all over the campus. I was actually asked to leave class one time because I could not stop sneezing. I had a total of three majors throughout my college career. Looking back, the most amusing major I declared was nursing. Anyone who knows me would scream if they were in the hospital and saw me walking in as their nurse. Sure, I have excellent bedside manner, but at the first sign of trauma (blood, needles, incisions, any bodily fluid) I would be in the corner rocking back and forth singing "This Little Light of Mine." Psychology is what stuck. I'm not exactly sure why, but I've always been interested in it. I'm intrigued by all the crazy stuff; you would think I'd have gotten a better grade in Abnormal Psych. I used to tell everyone that I wanted to be a "Clarice" psychoanalyzing "Hannibal Lector". Since becoming a mom, that thought scares me a bit. I'll be perfectly content working with children, even crazy ones. I'm bigger than they are. So, to sum things up, I completed a major undertaking that I thought was impossible right around 2003. My transcript is a train wreck, but I pulled it all off with a 3.0 GPA. Of course, John will tell all of you it was 2.97. My rules say I am allowed to round up. My true intentions for pursuing this higher education were to:
A) Tell my children years from now that, "If I could do it, anybody can do it."
B)Make my parents take a deep breath and smile.

It's been a while......

So, it's been a while since I made the one and only post on this blog last December. I do enjoy reading several family member's blogs, and I am going to make an effort to post a least once a week. This is also an easy way to show pictures of the kids without having to e-mail them to everyone in the family. I will back track for right now, so bare with me.