Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My life consists of picking things up...over and over

I think I've mentioned before that Sunday, at our house, is family nap day. Christian, my 8-year-old, doesn't like it, but he's come to accept it and doesn't fight it. On Sunday, we went to church, came home and ate lunch, then we all crashed for a couple of hours. I get up so early on Sundays, that the nap is mostly for me. When I came downstairs, this is what I found. Apollo had actually consumed his new dog bed. I guess that means he didn't like it because it's completely destroyed. I pondered whether or not to take him to the vet. How much cotton-poly fill can an animal eat without perishing? Dog food was all over the floor. Keep in mind that Apollo is in his kennel when we are not around him, so it was one of my children who set him free. They teamed up and decided not to name the culprit. The kids had taken every cushion off the couches and made an obstacle course; which meant two of them had slammed their heads together, and I woke up to screaming. I'm not giving up a nap on Sunday, so I'm going to invest in bells to hang around each of their necks. Kids can be really quiet when they're being sneaky.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Corinne's First Trip to the Dentist

Corinne had her first dental appointment a couple of weeks ago. She was an excellent patient, much to my surprise. She screams every time she sees her pediatrician, so I thought the dentist would get the same response. During the x-rays and cleaning she was perfect. It looked like she was having way too much fun. Who has fun at the dentist? Corinne gets so excited over these new adventures she has now that's she's three. She loves being a big kid like her brothers. Yay for momma being a tooth brushing Nazi....no cavities!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Emotional 3-year-old

We were driving home from the park a few nights ago. We stayed until it was dark, and all of the kids were exhausted from skipping their naps that day. They were pretty quiet and in a zone; right before they completely crashed. So, we were just listening to the radio-you know, the Delilah stuff; slow and calming sort of tunes...80's rock ballads. Journey's "Faithfully" came on, and about have way through the song, Corinne began crying this very pitiful, tormented sort of cry. We thought she was in pain for a second. We quickly asked her what was wrong, and she said, "the song make me sad." Oh the power of a Journey ballad. Does this mean she's going to be one of "those girls" when she is 16? Maybe, but I will be there to rub her back and assure her that boys are dumb as she's having an emotional episode. John said he could understand why the song made her cry. He said it has a "haunting melody." I'm not sure how I feel about my husband getting teary-eyed over a bunch of dudes singing about mushy stuff. So, for your listening pleasure I have "Faithfully" playing right now. Let's see if I can bring you to tears.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cheap Alternative

So, I have nothing interesting or important to tell about-not even a story about the kids. I will rave about my new love I have discovered. I'll try to keep this short. Am I a girly-girl? No. Do I go to the salon for haircuts/color/highlights? No. Do I get massages or facials? No. Do I have pretty tips on my nails? No (It's a dishwater/stabbing my children problem). Do I consider Target and Old Navy fine clothing? Yes. What's my point? I sometimes indulge in one girly thing...pedicures. Why? Because I like my feet to feel and look pretty. I'm a flip-flop sort of gal who much of the time goes around barefoot. So, in the summertime, my heals can be a lethal weapon. I could cut you. I have cut John.

Since the joys of home ownership have reared their ugly little heads for over a year or so now, I have given up said indulgence. This is very sad for me because my favorite is the french tip pedicure, which I can not do myself because my hands start to shake like a 90-year-old woman's.

Solution: I saw a friend at church with some cute little sandals on and a sassy french tip pedicure. I was extremely envious, but I managed to gush and compliment her pretty feet. I explained to her my sorrow in having to neglect my friends at the Galleria mall who did some rockin' pedies. I couldn't speak to them in English, but we had a connection :-) Next thing I know, my friend is disclosing a little secret she has to me. Her toenails were non-authentic. Say what? No way. These were some perfect looking toes. I was immediately filled with hope and joy that my feet could once again be pretty for $5.79 at my local Walmart store. "To good to be true", I thought, but I gave them a try.
Result...I fooled my husband. He asked, "When did you go get a pedicure?" He loves for me to pamper myself occasionally. It's me who doesn't allow it. So, I now am a fan of fake toenails. Creepy? Kind of, but you would never know. See, I told you this post was very trivial and uninteresting. It's just one of the random little things that has made me happy recently. Maybe it could bring you some simple joy too.

Please ignore the "dry as the Sahara Desert" feet and crazy long, monkey toes. I never claimed to be a foot model. Too bad fake toenails don't take care of that problem. My husband is convinced I can swing from trees and peel bananas with these babies.

I really don't know how long this product has been available, but they are new to me, and they are way better than the "Lee Press-On Nails" of my childhood. The box says not to wear them longer than a week. I've had mine on for two now, and they're still going strong. Here's to not getting a rare toe disease!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Baby Shower Pictures

Here are some pictures from the baby shower we threw for Nikki.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Baby Jack

Yay!!! My best friend Nikki had her first baby, handsome Jack, last Thursday. He was just over three weeks early and almost made it to the baby shower we threw for Nikki a few days before. Perfect timing. I was there to witness this sweet baby coming into the world, and it was quite an experience. Jack weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19 inches long. See, he had been baking long enough. He was ready to meet his momma. Nikki did an awesome job with the long, tiring labor of a first baby. Jack Samuel is perfect, and I finally got a chance today to go kiss on him. I wasn't able to at the hospital. I had already pulled an all-nighter, and the nurses were busy for a long time doing their brand new baby thing. Nikki and Jack are both doing so well, and they both look fabulous. I'm so, so happy for Nikki and Sam. They will be two of the best parents I know. Nik's been my best friend since I was 15, and she's always made known that she has wanted nothing more than to be a sweet wife and momma. Well, she's both now, and she's good at it. I'm elated that she now has all that she's wanted. And I'm thrilled that we have already arranged the marriage of Corinne and Jack. It's just easier that way. Corinne's all for it.

Here's the oh so manly Jack Samuel LePore....

Momma Nik and Baby Jack

Am I crazy for thinking at some point I might want a fourth?

He will learn to love my kisses.

Jack and his daddy, Sam