Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Need to Work on my Poker Face

I have to get this down, or I'll forget it. While I was putting the kids to bed tonight, I, once again, had to have an interesting talk with Coy. I had just gotten out of the shower, so I told the kids to get into bed and I'd be in to tuck them in after I got my pajamas on. I came in the boys' room and was putting Coy's blankets on him when he looked at me and said, "So, no bra, huh?" I completely failed at keeping a straight face with this one. He said it so seriously. I tried to tell him that it wasn't nice to talk to girls that way, and we don't need to look at other people's private parts even when they have clothes on. He knew I was fighting so hard not to laugh, which made him think he was pretty funny. Oh, the joy of raising boys; especially a little blond one who is five.

Friday, August 7, 2009

It's been crazy around here the last couple of weeks. I feel like I've been going non-stop with nothing to show for it. After VBS next week, I will be able to relax and breathe. Here's a little something that gave me a laugh in the midst of the chaos. Thanks, Coy.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Christian's Blog

My son has been very entertained by my blog and those that I read for a long time. He has loved looking at pictures of friends and family and babies and kids. So, he has been begging me to make him a blog to share his extremely exciting thoughts with everyone. I caved after months of pleading. I figure, if nothing else, it will promote better writing skills. In case you are worried, he doesn't know his user name or password, and the rule is that I have to proofread anything he writes before it is posted. I'm not going to fix any misspellings or grammar, because I think that makes it just a little bit more fun. So, I have now done my job, per his request, and have filled you all in on Christian's new blog. He made his first post today, and he thought it was the coolest thing ever. I wish I still got excited over little things like that.