Corinne turned four Friday before last. I can't believe how grown up my baby girl is. She is my "S" child; she's sweet, spunky, smart, sassy, silly, stunning, and at times, spoiled. I think she is the little girl version of John. I love that child to death, and since I already have so much fun with her, I know we are going to be very close when she's all grown up. My last (maybe) baby is growing up fast, so I'm trying to live in these moments and enjoy every second of it. Nobody has to tell me that I'll be an old lady some day, sitting in a rocking chair, missing these crazy, fun days. I know I will.
Our princess has had a week long birthday that concluded with seeing Alice in Wonderland and playing at Town Square. Then, we celebrated with family at Chuck E. Cheese. Side note- I hate Chuck E. Cheese, and I'm glad we seem to only go on the kids birthdays. My princess, of course, wanted nothing but princess everything, and princesses usually get what they want. It was a fun day, and I'm kind of liking not doing the big birthday parties anymore. There's much more fun we can have with the family for what I used to spend on parties. I wish I would have learned that a few years ago.