I came across this video the other day through a forwarded e-mail. This is seriously one of the funniest little videos of a kid that I've ever seen. Anyone who has ever had their wisdom teeth out, or any kind of dental surgery, knows that whatever drug they use to put you under is very unique. I've had other surgeries before when I broke my nose, but that anesthesia did not affect me at all. However, when I had my wisdom teeth removed, I woke up crying, asking where my dog was. Repeatedly, I kept saying that there was water in the peanut butter jar. I was very confused and distraught about it....funny stuff! So, I totally empathize with this poor kid. At least he gave his dad, and the rest of us folks, a good laugh.
5 years ago
I saw this the other day on facebook. It is seriously hilarious!
that was SOO funny
Okay when he started yelling and then like passes out.. I almost peed in my pants! Thats funny.
I know! That was our favorite part too.
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