Yep, so I'm one of those big dorks who went out today and bought Twilight on DVD, the day it was released. My excuse is that I felt I had to payback the debt I owed for watching a boot-legged version on the internet a few months back. Actually, I just really enjoyed this book series; the first series of books I've ever read, and I just want to own a copy of each movie. So, it looks like there will be three more DVD purchases for me over the next few years. Unless, of course, they don't turn all of the books into movies. That would have to be impossible with how much money is being made off of this one movie alone, thanks to women like myself; oh yeah, and the teeny bopper girls. My super hub was even willing to pick it up for me at Walmart in the wee hours of this morning after he got off of his swing shift. But, I had to get it from Target; they were the only ones I knew of that had the three-disc set. It's fun to see all the deleted and extended scenes and hear the commentary. Okay, I just proved my nerdiness. I discreetly tried to grab a copy at Target this afternoon without anyone noticing me, but of course, I ran into my brother-in law and sister-in-law, Jay and Katie. I was exposed, but they love me none-the-less. Too bad Christian made a latex glove full of water explode all over the remote control (yes, we use latex gloves as water balloons). So, the remote was no longer serving it's only purpose in life, and I had to go through all the special features by getting up every couple of minutes. Ahhhh, the price I pay to be entertained. If you are reading this and wondering, "what's all the fuss about?" I totally get you. That's exactly what I thought until a few months ago when I started reading Twilight.
5 years ago
You are so funny! I LOVED the books, but was dissapointed by the movie. Was it better watching it the 2nd time? I still enjoyed it though and look forward to future movies. I don't know if I would go as far to watch all commentary and deleted scenes, ha,ha!
Teisha, I think it was different for me because I saw the movie before I ever started reading any of the books. It was pretty high on the cheesy scale, but I liked it because as I was reading, I had an exact image in my mind of what everyone looked like and sounded like. I didn't have to use my imagination at all. Oh yes, and I like it because I think Rob Pattinson is beautiful. :-)
You are a dork, but so am I. Scott watched it at work then watched it with me later that night. He loved it, but he has not read the books yet. You look great by the way!
Dork! just kidding I did too:)
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