Thursday, March 26, 2009

Corinne is Three!

Today was Corinne's 3rd birthday. I can't believe how fast three years went by. She is officially a big girl, but she will always be my baby. We had a fun little family party last night, and today we went to Chuck E. Cheese. This was a labor of love; there is no place I loathe more than Chuck E. Cheese. That's another story for another time. She was thrilled with all of the new clothes and toys she received. She has been waiting weeks for her Tinkerbell birthday, and when I told her tonight that tomorrow it would no longer be her birthday, she started crying. You just can't give a girl all that attention and then, take it away; we get used to it really fast. Since she was about to be three, we were starting to feel a little silly that she was still in her crib. Why mess with something that works? She slept so well in it, and she never tried to crawl out. She's been potty trained since 19 months, so I would just hear her yelling on the baby monitor, " Mommy! I have to go tinkle so bad!!" We finally went out and got her a big girl bed that she loves. I tried to lay down with her last night and sing her some songs, but she asked me to please go out of her room. She said she was sleepy and didn't want me on her bed. So, I guess she's turned into Miss Independent. All my babies are no longer babies. It makes me feel, for an insane split second, like I might want to have another one. Then, the thoughts of screaming, diapers, no sleep, epidurals, and watching myself turn into a blimp, once again, remind me of why that's probably not what I really want. Let's face it, I feel like there are not enough hours in the day right now. I would have to gain some super powers to have enough energy for a fourth. I'll settle for kissing on my sister's and my friend's new babies. Corinne is my favorite girl ever, and I know she will need to be locked up in about 10 years or so. I'm sure she will be what her daddy says is a "knockout." I just want time to slow down a little bit. I want her to stay my baby girl.

This is how Corinne fell asleep in her big girl bed tonight. She won't put down her Hannah Montana microphone.


Becky Chatwin said...

She is so cute! I agree, she will be a knockout. Emma is almost three and it trips me out how grown up she is. Time goes too too fast.

Teisha said...

Yeah for the big girl bed. That is great she made the transition so well. So cute with her microphone! Tallon is the same way...he makes me get out of his room right after we read books and pray. He has NEVER let me lay and sleep with him. It is kind of sad! I'm glad the party went well. All the Tinkerbell stuff was so cute on her!