Monday, February 16, 2009

For the Love of Donuts.....or Doughnuts

We have a Krispy Kreme addiction around here. It's no secret. There is not a donut in the world that can compete with a "Hot Now" original glazed. I had my first when I was visiting My Aunt Debbie and Uncle Kent in Tallahassee. They are to blame for this new form of gluttony in our family. This was a couple of years before a Krispy Kreme shop was put in Vegas. Christian was 8 months old when he had his first, and he was a changed baby. You know how kids bring cupcakes to school on their birthdays? Well, mine bring a couple dozen original glazed with a Krispy Kreme hat for each classmate. They have scored major friend points with this simple act. Yep, I'm the coolest mom around.

My kids always beg to go to this particular donut shop on our way home from church because they have learned that it is right around the corner- dang that sense of direction. So, this easy request of theirs, that I grant a couple times a month, makes me mother of the year in their precious little eyes. I live for the adoration of my children...what mom doesn't?? They love nothing more than to go into this yummy smelling donut shop and press their little noses against the glass. They are mesmerized as they watch the floating donuts flip onto the grease and then, go through a waterfall of glazed sugar. It is quite a sight for them. I snapped this candid when they weren't looking. It's the simple little things in life that bring them so much joy.

Christian's first- January 2002


Teisha said...

Oh shoot! You had such a beautiful description now I want one.