Sunday, October 26, 2008

Props to the Real Teachers

For the last seven days I have been teaching a Pre-K Title 1 class in North Las Vegas. I normally only work a couple days of week, but a teacher I know asked me, a while ago, to take her class while she went on vacation. I've had two days to recover, and I'm still exhausted. Twenty 4-year-olds for six hours everyday, feeding them breakfast and lunch, trying to teach them the basics, dancing around and singing like an idiot with puppets and scarves, butchering the little Espanol that I remember from school, being sneezed on, bled on, and cried on all while trying to make these kiddos feel special. The end result, I went cross-eyed. This girl was not cut out to be a full-time working woman; especially when I start my second (more important job) when I get home. At least now I know, I am not real teacher material. I have gained a lot of respect for those moms that teach everyday, then come home to their own kids. It takes more energy than running a marathon. Then, I start to think about the single moms making it all work. Incredible! Why do these men and women not get paid more? Could I do it if I had to? Sure, but I would be one grouchy momma!